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Smart House Condos is a new condominium development by Urban Capital and Malibu Investments. The builder Urban Capital always sets the standard in true urban and boutique style living. With a history of award winning projects, Urban Capital is no doubt one of Toronto's best builders from conveying more innovative techniques to architecture and design.
Our condos are small by design and ?by clever design made to feel larger too. For instance, our smallest suites appear as one space, but easily transform into living rooms and bedrooms. In many suites, kitchen islands are designed with integrated dining tables, saving space but not compromising function.
A place to live for all those who love a clean and streamlined life and the notion of small but well thought-out space. People like you - the committed city lover, the weekday city dweller, the corporate drop-in — who want to move in and start living from the get-go. People who want a place to live... without living for the place. Who trust their judgment in all things smart.
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